Economic Development Resources
Economic Development Analysis of Governor’s Proposed FY 25-26 Budget
We are pleased to share this economic development analysis of Governor Newsom’s proposed FY 2025-2026 budget.
Economic Development Resources for 2025 Los Angeles Area Wildfires
CALED shared resources for Southern California communities dealing with the Los Angeles area wildfires. Learn more here.
CPBA Shares The Latest on AB 98: New Warehouse Limitation Law
Update on AB 98 - New Warehouse Limitation Law from CBPA In September, Governor Newsom Signed Assembly Bill 98 (Carrillo; D-Palmdale and Reyes; D-San Bernardino) imposing statewide mandates on warehouse locations and operations. The new law will have significant implications for development in California.
CALED Releases Budget, Bonds & Ballot Update
Representing more than 900 economic development practitioners and stakeholders, CALED is the voice of California’s economic development network. We are taking advantage of the Legislature’s summer break to give our members a brief update on the budget, two proposed bonds, and the full list of items on the November ballot. The Legislature left town on July 3, after passing a state budget, approving both climate and school bonds, and negotiating agreements resulting in the removal of several initiatives from the November ballot. On August 4, they return to take action on more than 1,000 bills before an August 31 adjournment date. To [...]
City of Ontario’s Executive Director of Economic Development Jennifer McLain Hiramoto announced as CALED chair
Jennifer McLain Hiramoto, Executive Director for the City of Ontario, is now the chair of the board of directors for the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED). Jennifer has been a member of the Association for more than 15 years, including serving as an active member of the CALED Board of Directors. Her peers elected her to this leadership position due to her passion for championing economic development tools and resources and her work in supporting and elevating her peers as evidenced during her service as the first chair of CALED’s Project Development and Finance Division. Read more - [...]
CALED Continues to Fight for Manufacturing Tools by Supporting HR 3787
CALED recently sent a letter to Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) requesting support of HR 3787, the Modernizing Agriculture and Manufacturing Bonds Act (MAMBA). This act specifically would benefit small- and medium-sized manufacturers through adjustments made to Industrial Development Bonds (IDBs) and agriculture bonds in California by: Increasing the maximum IDB size limit from $10 million to $30 million; and Increasing the limitation on small issue bond proceeds for first-time farmers. Manufacturers are particularly important in building a healthy middle-class in our country. MAMBA would help these businesses purchase equipment and land so they can grow in California [...]
CALED Speaks with Local Electeds on Ways to Advance their Economic Development Goals
Gurbax Sahota, President & CEO for the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), has been traveling throughout California, engaging with local elected officials to impart valuable insights in order to set a common foundation regarding the economic development environment. In addition, Gurbax shares available tools and resources to help local government leaders think through their economic development goals, projects and metrics. The unwavering commitment of CALED leadership continues to solidify CALED’s reputation as the foremost authority on economic development in California. In recent months, CALED members have held a diverse array of study sessions and leadership forums, sharing their [...]
City of Corona’s Economic Development Director Jessica Gonzales Announced as CALED Chair
Jessica Gonzales, Economic Development Director of the City of Corona, is now the Chair of the Board of Directors for the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED). Jessica has been a member of the Association for more than 15 years and has been an active board member for the past six years. She was elected to this leadership position by her peers due to her economic development expertise, her commitment to helping others succeed and her history of giving back to the profession. Her economic development achievements include implementing innovative economic development strategies for Southern California cities and sharing [...]
Changes to SB 747 and Update on Surplus Land Act Bills
SB 747 Narrowed by Forced Amendments in Senate Housing Committee Discussions/Negotiations over Multiple SLA Bills Expected SB 747 (Caballero) – a bill protecting use of public land for economic development and making helpful changes to the Surplus Land Act (SLA) encountered difficulties Monday in the Senate Housing Committee, when the Committee’s chair, Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), forced the author to take significant amendments that narrowed the scope of several key provisions. While the amendments are not yet in print, CALED understands them to be as follows: Requiring local agencies to have a state approved housing element and a Prohousing designation [...]
CALED helps SB 747 (Caballero) Pass the Senate Governance & Finance Committee
CALED helps SB 747 (Caballero) Pass the Senate Governance & Finance Committee CALED continues to fight for effective economic development tools for California’s jurisdictions. On April 12, CALED Board leaders Aaron Laurel, City Manager, West Sacramento and Jennifer McLain Hiramoto, Economic Development Director, City of Ontario testified alongside Senator Caballero in support of her SB 747. The bill makes critical changes to the Surplus Land Act (SLA) that support our members’ ability to provide quality economic development services to their communities, including: Reconfirms the ability of cities and counties to use economic development tools created by the Legislature. Provides important clarifications [...]
State of Economic Development
In the wake of pandemic-related aid that flowed to the State, local governments, nonprofits, and businesses, discussions about economic development in California revealed some fundamental misperceptions about what it is and how it is implemented. This lack of clarity, particularly when viewed in the context of the potential recession facing our economy, underscores the need for a more precise, sophisticated understanding of economic development and its role if we are to successfully meet the challenges ahead. Read More
CALED Champions Manufacturing
$30 million now available in IDB allocation for small and medium-sized manufacturers to be used for land purchases, facility expansion, new production equipment acquisition, and solar and energy conservation retrofits! CALED CEO Gurbax Sahota and Program Director Michelle Stephens provided public comment to champion the value of manufacturing and economic development at today’s CDLAC hearing. Thank you to the CDLAC staff & Committee Members, Treasurer Fiona Ma, Controller Malia Cohen, and Representative of Governor Gavin Newsom Gayle Miller for their balanced approach to supporting economic development and affordable housing in CA. To learn more, visit or LinkedIn To see [...]
CALED Provides Input on Funding for Pilot Economic Development Projects
The California Labor Agency, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, and Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development recently launched the Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) program, a $600 million initiative supporting innovative plans and strategies to diversify local economies and develop sustainable industries. $50 million of that funding is currently being considered to support economic development pilot projects that meet CERF objectives. The State team recently shared and solicited public input on the framework for these pilots. CALED provided key input in these areas: Ensure regional and geographic equity in funding allocation Clarify grant scoring emphasis Clarify variety of local plans [...]
Data and Fact-based Inclusive Economic Development Strategies, Not Rhetoric, Will Lead to a Stronger California Economy
The State of California has ignited significant interest in regional economic development through its Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) program, a $600 million initiative supporting innovative plans and strategies to diversify local economies and develop sustainable industries. State leaders recently announced the first round of CERF awards and identified 11 entities selected for funding, with two more yet to be named. Six of the 11 regional entities chosen are being spearheaded by members of the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), California’s premier economic development association and one of the largest economic development associations in the nation. These CALED [...]
CALED Signs on to Encourage Administration to Continue Engagement to Avoid Rail Strike
With the potential for a rail strike still looming, CALED joined with other trade associations in California and around the country to ask the Biden Administration to continue to “work with the railroad unions and railroads to ensure that the tentative agreement that you helped broker is ratified by the parties.” To see who else signed on and view the letter, click here.
CALED President & CEO Gurbax Sahota Appointed to Key Task Force Recommending Policy and Programs to Support Entrepreneurship and Economic Mobility
Sacramento, CA — Gurbax Sahota, President and Chief Executive Officer of the California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), has been appointed to the 2022 California Entrepreneurship & Economic Mobility Task Force. Tara Lynn Gray, Director of the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA), which is part of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), announced the appointment this week. The 34-member Task Force’s mission is to propel inclusive entrepreneurship by recommending policies and programs to ensure that all California small businesses have access to the resources they need to grow and scale. “I’m honored to [...]
New Playbook Offers Tools, Best Practices & Resources for California Communities to Create a Resilient Economy
SACRAMENTO, Ca. — California’s economy continues to be affected not only by economic disruptions caused by severe weather events, but also the threat of disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and floods, and even a potential recession. Risk assessment, preparedness, response, recovery and resiliency are ongoing concerns for community leaders, who know that it’s not a question of if there will be another economic disruption, but when will it happen — and whether jurisdictions and businesses are prepared. To help city and county leaders address economic resiliency, the U.S. Economic Development Administration has partnered with the California Association for Local Economic Development [...]
Register to Attend “Completing Development Projects: CALED’s Finance & Real Estate Summit”
Register today for “Completing Development Projects: CALED’s Finance & Real Estate Summit” in Riverside on Oct. 12 at the Riverside Mission Inn. More info at